Instant Uplift

Use these digital affirmation cards to instantly uplift your mood, fill your life with positivity, cultivate self love and build unwavering confidence.

emotional wellness Shuchita Dua emotional wellness Shuchita Dua

Self-Love: The Most Abused Word in the Market Today

"How can I love myself if no one else loves me?" or "You want me to do things for myself that I’d rather someone else do for me?" These are questions I often hear from clients, and they reveal a troubling misconception about self-love. Today, the term has been watered down, confused with surface-level pampering like spa days and grooming. While these activities fall under self-care, they barely touch the deeper essence of self-love. As a psychologist, I’ve seen how society’s commercial portrayal has reduced self-love to indulgence, when in reality, it's something much more profound.

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Shuchita Dua Shuchita Dua

The Psychological Power of Manifestations: Real Impact or Just Hype?

August 8, 2024, isn't just another day—it's a gateway to harnessing the full power of manifestation! As the world buzzes with the energy of this special date, it's time to explore the real psychological and neurological science behind why manifestation works. In this eye-opening blog, we dive deep into how positive visualization, intention-setting, and action can rewire your brain, boost your mood, and propel you toward your dreams. Whether you're a seasoned manifester or just curious about the hype, discover how this potent combination of mindset and science can transform your life—starting today.

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emotional wellness, client stories Guest User emotional wellness, client stories Guest User

The Long Walk: Adity's Journey Through Anger Management, Healing and Connecting with her Inner Child

With heartfelt gratitude, I invite you to step into the transformative journey of my client, Adity Choudhury. As a therapist, I've been privileged to bear witness to countless stories of self-discovery and healing. Adity's poignant narrative is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, offering a raw and honest account of her journey towards self-discovery and inner peace. Her bravery in revealing her identity boldly asserts that there is nothing to be ashamed of in sharing one's truth. These words are not just a recounting of experiences, they are a powerful reminder of the transformative power of therapy. Join me in celebrating Adity's warrior spirit and the courage to confront the shadows within and emerge into the light of understanding and acceptance.

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Shuchita Dua Shuchita Dua

Integrating Counselling with Energy Healing: Exploring the Vast Benefits

By combining the structured framework of counselling with the intuitive and nurturing aspects of energy healing, individuals can experience a fuller, more enriched path to wellness. Whether you are a practitioner considering this integrated approach or someone seeking a deeper level of healing, the possibilities are vast and promising.

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Embracing Mental Health: Finding Strength in Vulnerability

On World Mental Health Day, I want to dive deep into a topic that's been on my mind lately – the incredible strength that comes from embracing our vulnerabilities. So often, we're told that strength means hiding our struggles, bottling up our emotions, and putting on a brave face. But what if I told you that true strength lies in being open about our mental health challenges? Let's break down this misconception and discover the courage it takes to be vulnerable.

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Fueling Mental Health: Building Mental Strength for a Balanced Life

Fuelling your mental health with mental strength is an ongoing process that requires commitment and practice. Just as physical fitness requires regular exercise, mental strength needs consistent effort to grow and thrive. By implementing these strategies into your life, you can cultivate resilience, maintain a positive mindset, and fuel your mental health for a fulfilling and balanced life.

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Mental Strength Training Shuchita Dua Mental Strength Training Shuchita Dua

Decoding Emotional Triggers: A Guide to Anger Management and Mental Strength

Identifying one's emotional triggers is crucial for maintaining emotional well-being and personal growth. Knowing our emotional triggers can help us communicate better with others, especially in situations where our emotions are heightened. Emotional triggers can and do cloud our judgment thereby leading us to make decisions that we might regret later. By identifying our triggers, we can be more objective and make better decisions.

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Knowledge Shuchita Dua Knowledge Shuchita Dua

Unlocking Mental Resilience: Best Tools for Psychological Assessment and Mental Strength Measurement

Psychologists and Mental Health practitioners focused on the human mind rely heavily on assessment tools, which ask clients to answer questions about their mental state and personal experiences. These tools are crucial to determine the appropriate treatment for individuals seeking support. Here’s our pick of the mental strength tools out there and what they measure. ..

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Mental Strength Training Shuchita Dua Mental Strength Training Shuchita Dua

Demystifying Mental Strength: Understanding, Responsibility, and Growth

Mental strength is a term that is thrown around a lot in the self-help and psychology world. But what exactly does it mean? And more importantly, how can we cultivate it in our own lives? At its core, mental strength is the ability to handle challenges and adversity with resilience and perseverance, while maintaining a positive and proactive outlook. But what does that look like in practice?

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Knowledge Shuchita Dua Knowledge Shuchita Dua

Decoding Mental Strength: Insights from Top Research Studies Simplified

Mental strength has been studied as an important individual difference factor that allows individuals to deal effectively with challenges and persist under pressure. While Mental Strength has its highest profile in sports but its impact is now recognized in a wide range of other domains. There have been several noteworthy research studies on mental strength that have shed light on the psychological factors that contribute to resilience, perseverance, and overall well-being. Here are our top picks

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Whether you’re seeking to enhance relationships, manage stress, or foster emotional well-being, our workshops and programs are designed to support you. Sign Up to know about upcoming workshops and join us in cultivating resilience and strength together.