Award-winning mental health innovation by Shuchita Dua, Best Psychologist and Family Therapist at Aariv Infinite.

Does this sound familiar ?

You've experienced marriage and divorce, and each journey brought challenges.

Traditional counseling didn't address the root of your issues, or you struggled to fully express yourself.

Your demanding work and personal life make you seem put-together, but inside, you feel overwhelmed and disconnected.

You want to break unhelpful relationship patterns and create a new future narrative.

People-pleasing has kept the peace but built up resentment and hindered deeper connections.

You understand many of the 'why's' but still feel stuck in the pain of past relationships. Your usual coping mechanisms aren't working, and you can't think or read your way out of this.

Shuchita Dua providing Energy Healing, emphasizing techniques like Reiki and chakra balancing for healing from physical and emotional pains.

Counselling - Therapy for Adults

Find Clarity and Navigate Relationships, Divorce, and Personal Anxieties with Resilience and Lifelong Mental Strength.

Reiki Energy Healing

Restore Mental and Physical Energy Balance, Manifest Your Dream Life, and Unblock Emotional Barriers to Health, Relationships, Pregnancy and more.

huchita Dua leading an award-winning Harmony Healing session, combining best therapy practices with complementary healing techniques for maximized healing.

Holistic Harmony Program

Experience Life-Transforming Changes for You and Your Relationship with the Integration of Counselling with Complementary Healings like Reiki and EFT that Heals Mind, Body and Soul.

Awarded with “Innovation in Mental Health” at the most prominent healthcare award - “India's Best Doctors Award 2024.”

Student Success Program by Shuchita Dua for Boosting child performance and emotional health.

Student Success Program

Excel Academically, Boost Performance and Confidence, and Overcome Emotional Challenges with Individualized Coaching.

Client Testimonials

Breathe to Release

Reduce Anxiety and Restore your Calm Anytime, Anywhere with This Simple Mindfulness Exercise.

Download for Free!

Shuchita Dua, recognized for innovation in mental health on World Doctors Day 2024.
CREA Global Award 2024, presented to Shuchita Dua, recognized as a leading Psychologist and Mental Strength Coach.
Shuchita Dua, recognized as Outstanding Psychologist 2011.