Whether you're looking to heal your mind, body, or soul, I can help you! With a practice that integrates progressive counselling therapy with traditional Reiki healing, I offer comprehensive support for your anxiety, depression, relationship, and mental health concerns

Mental Strength Training Shuchita Dua Mental Strength Training Shuchita Dua

Mastering Emotional Freedom: Navigating Triggers for Mental Strength and Wellness

Emotions play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being. On any given day, we experience a range of emotions and certain events or circumstances that can ignite intense emotional reactions. These intense reactions are often triggered by specific stimuli that tap into our past experiences, memories, or unresolved issues.

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If you are embarking on a self-discovery journey, I highly recommend you start here. This tool is designed to help you identify and recognize various aspects of your personality.

A first step for anyone on a path to personal transformation!